Changes to Sports sessions this Summer
There will be some changes to our Sports and Fitness sessions over the Summer:
- Zumba, Monday Pilates and Tuesday Walking Football is closed from Monday 22nd July to 9th August
- The Over 65s exercise will both convert to chair-based and run at the WELLcome Hub on 22 and 29 July. The Over 65s project will be closed for 1 week beginning 5 August.
- All other sessions will continue as normal (evenings and Wednesday mornings)
Walking Football will resume as normal from Tuesday 13 August. Zumba and Pilates will return from week beginning 12th August at the new times:
- Monday Pilates time will change to 1:15 – 2 pm
- Thursday Zumba time will change to 9:15 – 10 am
- Monday Zumba will remain the same time of 2:15 – 3 pm