We’re really excited to announce that our Go Wild! 2022 Summer Scheme is now in progress for Newham 8-14 year olds!
Last year saw our biggest ever programme, with around 280 children joining. It was great to see them running free together after so long in lockdown and we can’t wait to do it all again!
Thanks to the support of our generous funders, we are able to offer places at a low cost of just £5 per day per child!
In addition, we are able to offer full day extended hours holiday care during the programme from 8am to 6pm for just £28 a day or £130 a week,
“My two kids are absolutely loving the summer at BDCA. The incredible resources, support, fun and overall organisation is spot on!”
– A local parent whose children attended Go Wild! 2021
Our 2022 programme
This year, we’re looking forward to hosting the best summer scheme yet! The programme will include all the favourites, from zorbing to a trip to the seaside – and we’ve got some great new things in store too.
View our 2022 daily programme here
View our menus for the Tuck Shop (all participants) and Hot Food (Newham Holiday Activity and Food Programme participants only)
- This year’s GoWild! dates are Monday 25 July to Friday 12 August
- GoWild! runs Mondays to Fridays 5 hours a day, 10am – 3pm for 3 weeks
- You can book your child a place for the whole programme, or choose certain days to suit you
- GoWild! takes place at the Bobby Moore Sports Pavilion and Flanders Field, 118 Napier Road, East Ham, E6 2SG
- On two Fridays of the programme, we will run daytrips instead of the usual activities. You can find details of these on the booking form we link to from this page
As always, this year’s scheme is co-designed and delivered by our amazing young leaders, aged 15-22, as part of our ‘Stepping Up’ programme.
This means that, as well as providing a lot of fun and new experiences for our younger neighbours, Go Wild! also offers local young people valuable work and volunteering experience.
We’ve been busy recruiting and training this summer’s team and we can honestly say they are a fantastic bunch of young people, with some great new ideas too!

Thank you to our funders
It’s because we receive financial support from our funders that we are able to run Go Wild! and offer it to local families at such a low, affordable price.
This year’s main funders are BBC Children in Need, East End Community Foundation, Newham Council Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme, and London Borough of Newham Youth Empowerment Service.
Thank you to all of you for making Go Wild! possible and affordable for our neighbours!