We’d love to hear from you! Here are the different ways you can get in touch with us.
Postal Address: The Well Community Centre, 49 Vicarage Lane, London E6 6DQ
Telephone: 0208 586 7070
Email: info@bonnydowns.org
Social Media: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter | Youtube
Maps and Address of our Sites:
- The Well Community Centre
- The WELLcome Hub
- Flanders Playing Field & Bobby Moore Sports Pavilion
- Grow Together Be Together Community Garden
The Well Community Centre
The Well Community Centre is located at 49 Vicarage Lane, London E6 6DQ
The WELLcome Hub
Our Food Club, Foodbank and Family Hub is located at the WELLcome Hub at 35 Vicarage Lane, London E6 6DQ
Flanders Playing Field and Bobby Moore Sports Pavilion
Our Youth Club and Sports Facilities are based at 118 Napier Road, London E6 2SG
Grow Together Be Together Community Garden
Our Community Garden is located in the north-west corner of Flanders Playing Field. The entrance is at 111 Wellington Road, London E6 6EB
We look forward to seeing you soon!