Meet Paris
Paris’s story: “Every year I feel like it helps me grow as a person!”
Paris is 19 and currently studying photography at university. He’s been a young leader at Bonny Downs for several years, and this year he worked on our #GoWildinLockdown! virtual summer youth programme.
In this role, he had to think of online challenges that the young people would enjoy during lockdown, and then film and record them, from making microwave mug cakes to creating banana face masks. Then, when lockdown ended, he ran two face-to-face workshops for the kids along with another leader.
He says the main challenges he’s faced during the pandemic include socialising and making sure he’s taking care of his mental health and personal self. Being a young leader has helped him to stay focused and occupied, while giving him opportunities to meet and connect with others.
Paris feels that being a young leader has really helped him to get better at working in a team, handle stressful situations and adapt to the working world. He says: “Every year I feel like it helps me grow as a person and every year I’ve done it I’ve always enjoyed the work and the people I’ve worked with!”